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Demam Batman dan Superman pun bermula minggu ini. Budiey percaya, ramai peminat watak superhero terkenal ini ternantikan filem ini. Hari ini, 24 Mac 2016 anda semua dah boleh menonton filem BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE di pawagam seluruh Malaysia.
Semalam, Budiey bersama 97 orang pembaca blog ini (Budieyators) bersama beberapa orang selebriti dan influencers telah menonton filem BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE di Premiere With Budiey yang diadakan di GSC Pavilion KL. Seingat Budiey, ini adalah kali pertama kita menonton wayang beramai-ramai di pawagam ini. Jadi, suasana juga lain macam sebab difahamkan kesemua hall menayangkan filem aksi lakonan Ben Affleck dan Henry Cavill ini.
Terima kasih banyak-banyak kepada Warner Bro Malaysia yang sudi menyediakan lokasi, tiket dan juga memberi peluang kepada Budieyators untuk menonton filem ini di malam gala.
Budiey tak nak bercerita panjang sebab Budiey nak siarkan beberapa ulasan pendek dan ringkas yang ditulis oleh pembaca di laman sosial mereka. Jomla kita baca apa kata mereka:
A brief review for Batman v Superman movie. The movie is considered as an introductory movie which two superheroes met. Definately there would be sequels afterwards. The movie started slow for the first half with flashbacks, introductions, recalls and memories then the villain came and the fight began right to the end.
A shocking ending for this movie..!!!
A good movie with superb casts and production. I would rate 4.5/5 for this movie. Thank you Budiey Isma for the invitation really appreciate it.
Asri Ray
My review of BATMAN V SUPERMAN DAWN OF JUSTICE Layari: TQ #BudieyDotCom #PremierWithBudiey #WhoWillWin #BatmanvSuperman
I give 4.8/5 stars
For the first 30 minutes we are revisiting Bruce Wayne and Superman Clark Kent related to the movie including the murder of Batman parents, and "Man of Steel" ended with Superman and General Zod power up (destroying) much of metropolitans area and it really became a controversial issue by the people of the world. People considered him as a threat to humanity. As far as Batman is concerned, Superman is clearly a danger to the society.
Lex Luthor played a very good third man and he want to destroy everything Superman and Batman stand for and will do everything to achieve his goals.
And there is another presence of superhero in this movie (Wonder Women) but she just play a small role here. I dont want to spoil the whole movie guys, go and watch it.
Erra Asmuni
Permulaan cerita yang agak perlahan kerana ingin menceritakan kenapa Batman anti sangat dengan Superman. Ditambah pula ada pihak ketiga yg makin mengapi-api keadaan antara diorang berdua sampai bertambah salah faham.
Part yang paling suka bila Wonder Woman muncul apabila pertarungan makin sengit.. Wonder Woman memang sangat cool dalam filem ini.
So sesiapa yang follow sequel movie ini mahu Batman atau pun Superman, boleh laa tonton. Superman da tak pakai underwear kat luar dah dan suit dia lebih macho kali ini. #teamsuperman. Saya kasi ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2 /5.
Kamal Rezuan
So what's so good about Batman Vs Superman. This film was announced akan dibuat sometimes since 2013 lagi,selepas kejayaan Man Of Steel by the same director Zack Snyder.
Cerita ini ,generally about these two american superheroes yg diadaptasikan drp DC Comics. Have u been following all those Batman's sequels before? As we know, cerita dia memang slowkan. Unless u are the die hard fan, u probably would disagree with me. So this movie banyak pasal Batman, very slow.. i yawned like few times, even i sat next to Wak Doyok in the hall. Anyway, plot penceritaan movie yang berdurasi almost 2 hours ni, was a bit confuse and i couldn't find the real attach for each of their cliffhangers. Batman pulak berkhayal lebih, pantang duk sekejap mimpi… nampak naa kuat tido ke cemane?
Ade satu plot yang menceritakan nayanya seorang yg ada super power itu, pun boleh kena fitnah, been set up by a person so called well knowned tycoon. How did that super power person encounter the situation? Apa yang menyebabkan both of them Man in Steel (Batman) dengan Man Of Steel bergaduh?
Suddenly ade plak beberapa figura yg muncul.Ntah aku ke yg tak baca habis komik ni atau cemana…. lost in awhile. So kepada DC Comics die hard fans out there,just come and enjoy the movie with lower expectations.
I would say this project is all about selling the brand je lebih.Batman, Superman..the way they describing those are like gempak gila, unfortunately the storyline was so weak. Besides,most of the images are razor sharp,while others music background, characters coloring were just ok.
Untuk movie ni i give 2.7 out of 5.Thanks Budiey Isma #Budieyatorsfor the #premierewithbudiey .
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