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Premiere With Budiey terus menghangatkan sinema Malaysia, dengan kerjasama SQUARE BOX PICTURES mahu tampilkan kepada anda semua sebuah filem komedi mencuit hati berjudul WHO'S YOUR DADDY di mana anda yang hadir dapat menjadi penonton pertama menontonnya sebelum ianya dibawa ke pawagam. Seronok kan? Haa, tentulah seronok!
Kalau nak tahu, filem tempatan arahan Boris Boo ini bakal menemui penonton di seluruh pawagam di Malaysia mulai 10 Disember 2015. Jadi, adakah anda mahu menjadi orang pertama menonton filem bergenre drama komedi ini bersama beberapa selebriti yang dijemput khas? Caranya ada kat bawah ni, okay?
Jika masih tertanya-tanya tentang filem ini, apa kata anda semua menonton trailer WHO'S YOUR DADDY yang telah diriliskan di dada Youtube saluran
Kepada yang tak berkesempatan menonton di tayangan premiere, apa kata korang nantikan sahaja filem ini yang akan berada di pawagam, okay?
Untuk kalian yang menyukai filem komedi yang mencuit hati ini pastinya filem ini sesuai untuk kalian semua.
Sinopsis Filem WHO'S YOUR DADDYFeature film 'Who's your daddy' is a comedy film about two guys (an uncle and a nephew) who live their lives day to day, with no hope and goals. One day, they happened to meet their dream girl and willing to offer anything to please her. The story emphasizes the relationships amongst characters, responsibilities in various stages of life, tolerance between loves and family that everyone tends to be running away in the modern society. HUI lives in a small village in Northern Malaysia. A guy who is in his 30s with no achievements while he enjoy his quiet life with his grandmother, who tends to save him from trouble time-to- time. His village lives ends when he put himself into a huge debt and decided to go to KL and look for his uncle, Wai. WAI is smart, self-centered, and good with petty tricks which help him to get away from time-to- time troubles. His stylish look and cheerful characters makes him popular amongst his friends. He shared his wealthy, modern life style with Hu i when he arrives but soon Hui found out these were all lies and got to find a way to make some money before they starve to death. Whereas they are striving for money through sale scams, selling private DVD, even down to blood donation! A leaflet flew along and says 'If you're a man; If you're willing to sell, you will be guaranteed for wealth and luxury', selling 'SPERM' at the artificial insemination center became one of their last resolved. They bumped into their dream girl, SHUNA through many incidents and found out she was undergoing an artificial insemination. Without hesitation, both of them were very eager to become the father of the child and decided to visit the center as frequent as possible in order to hit the jackpot. A couple of months later, they rescued Shuna from a bunch of gangster in a mall and found out she is under pregnancy. Both of them strongly believe they are the father of the child, they decided to let Shuna moved in with them and take up the r esponsible of looking after her. They start off fighting each other over what's best for Shuna, moreover, to proof themselves as a better dad by leaking each other secrets, deceive each other, bringing little surprise to Shuna, but gradually, their relationship starting to change with the problems they face as they sense the responsibility of becoming a father and the importance of supporting each other as a family. Two guys and a woman under one roof, a mixture of romance, friendship, parenthood and what's more, Hui's grandmother decided to visit and adds in the relationship between mother-in- law and daughter-in-law. Grandmother discovered Shuna's child does not belong neither to Hui or Wai as days goes by but slowly, she realized Shuna has her own difficulties and willing to support her. However, complexity keeps on growing stronger and stronger within Shuna after she gave birth as the child didn't bring her the wealth and status as she planned. Meanwhile, an offered of starring at an overseas' movie came along, will Shuna stay for the baby? Will Hui and Wai be able to stop her leaving? A decision between romances, parenthood, family love… What would be the final decision for Shuna?
Sensasi Selebriti dengan kerjasama SQUARE BOX PICTURES ingin menghadiahkan tiket untuk Budieyators dan pembaca setia yang boleh menghadirkan diri di tayangan premiere yang cukup eksklusif ini. Acara ini akan diadakan pada: Tarikh: 8 Disember 2015 (Hari Selasa) Masa Pendaftaran: 8.00 malam Tayangan Filem: 9 malam Tempat: (TBC) Anda ingin hadir? Senang sahaja. Anda hanya perlu menyertai peraduan ini dengan menjawab soalan mudah dan melengkapkan slogan dengan gaya yang paling kreatif. Seorang pemenang akan mendapat 2 keping tiket untuk hadir di Tayangan Premiere WHO'S YOUR DADDY – di (TBC) . Senang je, cipta slogan, tweet & FB kemudian hantar emel. Itu je. Mudah kan? Ingat hashtag ini: #PremiereWithBudiey #WhosYourDaddy Apa yang korang perlu buat ialah:
1. 'Like' Facebook page Budiey Dot Com dan 'Follow' Twitter & Instagram Budiey: @BudieySila klik butang LIKE entri ini, Google + & share di Facebook milik anda, jika anda mahu menyertai Tayangan Premiere ini dan komenlah apa pendapat anda tentang filem ini di ruangan komen berdasarkan trailer kat atas ni. Sila cari butang LIKE, butang Google + (g+) dan butang share Facebook di bawah tajuk entri ini. Jangan lupa LIKE Facebook ini: &
2. Sila cipta slogan kreatif anda dan hantar melalui emel bersama jawapan pada soalan di bawah. Selain itu, anda WAJIB juga Tweet slogan ini di Twitter.Kepada yang ada Twitter, sila gunakan hashtag event ini iaitu #PremiereWithBudiey. Tweetkan slogan anda tidak lebih 140 huruf. Slogan: @budiey Saya mahu hadir di #PremiereWithBudiey #WhosYourDaddy kerana…. (tidak lebih dari 100 huruf) Jika anda tiada Twitter, boleh letak di Facebook. Tapi sebaik-baiknya di Twitter ya sebab senang Budiey nak reTweet dan baca.
Jawab soalan mudah ini:1. Namakan dua pelakon utama dalam filem WHO'S YOUR DADDY 2. Sila emelkan jawapan & slogan anda: Slogan: Saya mahu hadir di Tayangan Premiere WHO'S YOUR DADDY – Sensasi Selebriti kerana…. (tidak lebih dari 100 huruf) Sertakan juga maklumat peribadi: Nama: Twitter: Alamat surat menyurat: Email: Nombor telefon: Hantarkan jawapan anda kepada: dengan tajuk email: Peraduan Tayangan Premiere WHO'S YOUR DADDY – Sensasi Selebriti Tarikh tutup peraduan: 9 Disember 2015 Pemenang akan dihubungi oleh Budiey melalui email & Twitter. Peringatan: Sila tulis tajuk emel anda dengan betul ya. Kalau salah tajuk emel ni, nanti Budiey tak dapat kasi sebab takde dalam list carian kat emel. Orait? Terima kasih kepada SQUARE BOX PICTURES dan pembaca Sensasi Selebriti yang sentiasa memberikan sokongan. Bertemu la gi di peraduan dan kuiz yang akan datang. Jangan lupa untuk menonton filem ini mulai 10 Disember 2015. Jom layari dan LIKE Fanpage: Jangan lupa follow Budiey di Twitter (@budiey) and 'Like' Facebook page Budiey Dot Com untuk mengetahui ulasan filem dan berita terkini tentang dunia hiburan.
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